Fake or Copy WW1 whistles.
Sadly, as with most things antique and old, there appears to be those out there who want to cash in, by producing copies and fakes, WW1 and WW2 whistles have not avoided this problem. Today, copy, imitation or fake, call them what you will, have reared their head into the arena. 2014 saw the centenary of the Great War therefore copy WW1 whistles 1914-1918 suddenly appeared for sale, mostly on eBay, nice new and shiny and to most people very easy to spot, alas it was not too long after those shiny new whistles have suddenly become aged and more authentic looking, still fairly easy to spot to the trained eye but to the novice not too easy. The issue we have now is the seller who, unwittingly or not, are now omitting the words "copy" from their sales patter which results in a £15 to £20 whistle becoming expensive antiques, I have seen as much as £150 being advertised. Just a thought for the collector out there, these fine historic whistles have not escaped the eyes of the people wishing to cash in for a fast buck!!!
Please note the sample five whistles below are not fakes they are copies and are being offered for sale described as copies, but the concern being they are also now appearing for sale with the word 'copy' omitted which, to the novice collector, could be misleading. Click on the image for a larger picture.
Please note all the WW1 whistles below are genuine.